Creating a Homemade Pizza Dough from Scratch

Based in Silver Spring, Maryland, Brian Kezer maintains an active lifestyle that includes fitness and sports. With culinary interests, Brian Kezer enjoys trying out new recipes when he has the opportunity.

Creating a pizza from scratch requires making dough. The basic ingredients are a standard pack of yeast mixed with flour, salt, water, and olive oil. For mixing the ingredients, a mixer can be used, though many swear by the time-tested hand-kneading method.

Once properly kneaded, the dough is placed in a greased mixing bowl and covered tightly, and allowed to rise at room temperature for around 90 minutes (overnight in the fridge also works).
When the dough is ready, punch it down as a way of releasing trapped air bubbles, and roll it into a large circle.

Brush olive oil on the top to prevent sogginess and add toppings. Next, place it in a pan that has cornmeal dusted on the bottom. This adds flavor and crispness to the pizza, which is baked at a high temperature for around 15 minutes, until golden brown.

Why Dogs Sometimes Eat Grass

Based in Maryland, Brian Kezer is a sports and fitness enthusiast who also enjoys music. Fond of animals, Brian Kezer has an interest in dogs and their behavior. One interesting trait of canines, often seen on walks in parks, is their tendency to eat grass. Dogs do this regardless of whether they are receiving a balanced diet at home.

Dogs did not evolve as true carnivores, which each only meat, although they do not meet the criterion of true omnivores either. Rather, they balanced a diet of primarily meat with roughage that added fiber and other basic nutrients. Studies of various groups of wolves in the wild shows that from 10 to 50 percent consume some amount of grass.

While today’s dogs no longer hunt for food, this does not mean that the instinct to scavenge has disappeared. For most canines, occasional grass eating is not a major issue, as they may simply enjoy the texture and taste in their mouth. In addition, dogs may eat grass without chewing to induce vomiting, should they have an upset stomach.

Unfortunately, there may be pesticides or herbicides on the grass, as well as intestinal parasites associated with animal waste. One simple strategy for weaning dogs off a desire to eat grass, other than using the leash, is to bring an alternative snack along. This can then be offered to them when they begin to show an interest in eating grass.

Therapeutic Benefits of Cooking

Brian Kezer is a Silver Spring, Maryland native with a master’s in computer science from George Washington University and a master’s in national security and strategic studies from the Naval War College. When not working as a analyst, Brian Kezer enjoys cooking.

Cooking, the art of meal preparation, offers many health benefits including providing the body necessary nutrients, keeping one’s calorie consumption in check, and saving money that one might spend eating out. Cooking also offers several therapeutic benefits to people.

A recent study on culinary therapy found that cooking can improve one’s general well-being because it provides an escape from the anxieties of life, even including serious illness. For instance, cooking may make a person with cancer feel less anxious and more relaxed because it distracts them from thinking about the disease.

Cooking also encourages creativity because it offers a chance for people to try new recipes and dishes and learn different culinary skills. A depressed or stressed person can improve their mood by preparing a new dish or cooking something they love.

Also, because cooking requires patience, focus, and awareness of one’s surroundings, it acts as a form of meditation that trains the mind to be calm and focused amid the daily chaos of life. Moreover, cooking with others or serving them meals improves social connections and promotes a sense of belonging.

Current Trends in Sports Viewership

Brian Kezer is an alumnus of George Washington University with an MA in Computer Science. Outside of his work, Brian Kezer enjoys playing video games, listening to music, and playing and watching sports.

The largest and most long-standing change in recent sports viewership is the decline of young people watching games, especially among baseball, football, and basketball. Two major reasons are the corresponding decline in youth sport participation, and their inability to pay for tickets to live events. Some ways to increase interest in sports at a young age could be for the NBA, NFL, and MLB to invest money in youth sports leagues, so the act of playing sports instills an interest in following them professionally later in life. Another way is to increase the pace of games by cutting out periods of idle air time, so viewers don’t lose interest.

In addition to sports fans’ demographics changing, the way people watch is different as well. Although fewer people watch games on traditional television, more people substitute it for streaming services, and consuming content on demand on YouTube. People still watch with friends, but they use devices like smart TVs instead, so they can rewatch something if they didn’t see it the first time.

Extra Benefits of Reading

Silver Spring, Maryland resident Brian Kezer holds a master’s degree in computer science from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Brian Kezer is a program analyst with a passion for cooking, music, and reading.

Reading can help you acquire new information and improve your concentration and vocabulary. But did you know that reading has even more benefits? Regular reading can also decrease stress levels, improve sleep quality, and enhance brain function.

It can be hard to find time to relax in today’s world, but it’s important to make time for relaxation to reduce stress. One great way to relax is to read. Not only does your body relax, but your mind can take a break from the constant chatter of daily life.

Reading can also help you sleep better. When you read before bedtime, your mind can wind down and prepare for sleep. Reading can also help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Lastly, regular reading has also been shown to enhance brain function. Reading helps improve memory recall, information processing speed, and critical-thinking skills. Not only that, but reading has been linked with a decreased risk of developing age-related cognitive declines.

Helpful Tips to Formulate Consistent Workout Routines and Efforts

A recipient of an MA in computer science from George Washington University, Brian Kezer is a Maryland resident who has held various professional positions. Brian Kezer enjoys multiple activities during his free time, including playing video games, cooking, and working out.

People fail to stick to their workout routine for various reasons, including lack of time, slow results, and exhaustion. An article on provides tips to help individuals formulate realistic workout plans and stick to them.

According to the website, schedule exercise during a convenient time of the day that is primarily free. For some adults, early morning before they set out to work is best. For others, the evening when they return from work is better. Nonetheless, pick a consistent time. Next, develop an easy-to-follow workout plan.

Monotonous workout routines can become boring. Shuffle exercises weekly rather than repeating the same sequence or switch exercise equipment to make workouts more fun.

Next, establish realistic motivation. Goals provide incentives and help individuals continue exercising. Start with small and achievable goals; far-fetched expectations can trigger disappointment and a lack of zest when efforts don’t yield the desired results. A realistic goal may be as simple as stating the target number of weekly workout hours.

Great Dane Care Guide

With experience working as a program analyst for the Navy, Brian Kezer now serves as a manager in the US Navy. During his free time, Brian Kezer enjoys cooking, working out, reading, and spending time with his dogs.

The Great Dane, also known as the “Apollo” of dogs, is a cross between the Irish wolfhound and the old English mastiff. They were first bred over 1,000 years ago in Germany to hunt wild boars. This article will go over how to care for Great Danes properly.

Great Danes do not require extensive grooming, but there are some basic requirements to keep them healthy and in good condition. For example, regular teeth cleaning with dog-specific toothpaste and toothbrush is required to prevent diseased teeth that create harmful bacteria that can migrate to the dog’s kidneys, liver, heart, and other vital organs. Sprays and gels, tooth wipes, enzymatic solutions, dental chews, and raw meaty bones are useful tooth cleaning tools.

The ears of a Great Dane quickly accumulate gunk, which can lead to ear infections if not cleaned regularly. Infections can be avoided by wiping the outer ear with a cotton ball once a week and cleaning the ear. Regular nail trimming, either weekly or bi-monthly, helps prevent painful tears to the tendon and supporting ligaments, leading to long-term damage and the development of other orthopedic problems.

Regular but not strenuous exercise, such as long walks, will help reduce your dog’s risk of developing arthritis and hip dysplasia. Because of their large chests, harnesses are more comfortable for walking Great Danes. They are also susceptible to cold and will require a blanket or sweater to stay warm throughout outdoor walks during the winter months.

How Reading Impacts Social Skills

Brian Kezer holds an MA in computer science from George Washington University. In his spare time, Brain Kezer enjoys working out and reading.

Though reading is often perceived as a solitary hobby, a study published online in Social-cognitive & Affective Neuroscience has suggested that reading books, especially fiction, may improve social skills. By engaging the part of the brain responsible for empathy and imagination, stories can help people engage in and understand real-life interactions.

Fiction takes readers inside the lives and minds of characters in different situations allowing one to feel their challenges, emotions, and triumph. Heightening activity in the brain’s default network enables people to imagine hypothetical situations and see things from another person’s perspective. As a result, individuals have the tools to be more empathetic towards people in their lives. The same, however, cannot be said of nonfiction books. Researchers believe this is caused by the emotional subtleties depicted in fiction that require readers to deduce characters. Fiction books include: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.

In addition, reading teaches individuals better communication skills. Stories serve as examples of what good communication is through characters’ interactions. These lessons help readers better handle conflicts and are great at communications. Various genres of books also teach people how to handle difficult situations. For example, a fictional story of a man who lost everything and is trying to rebuild, or a nonfiction story of a woman who overcame adversity and built a multimillion-dollar company can give insight on how to manage and overcome personal adversity.

3 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the United States

A professional program and operations analyst, Brian Kezer graduated from George Washington University with a master of arts in computer science. Outside of work, Brian Kezer enjoys watching sports and playing video games. He is also a dog lover.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the top three most popular dog breeds are Labrador retriever, the French bulldog, and the German shepherd. Below is a close look into these top dog breeds:

1. The Labrador Retriever

Historically, the Labrador retriever was used as a fisherman’s helper to haul nets, retrieve fish, and fetch ropes from the chilly North Atlantic. The Labrador retrievers are out-going, friendly, and high-spirited and can bond well and socialize with other dogs and humans. In addition, the Labs enjoy various activities such as swimming and marathon games of fetch to keep them mentally and physically fit.

2. The French Bulldog

Although the French bulldog doesn’t bark much, its alertness makes it one of the most excellent watchdogs. Many city dwellers love the French bulldog is a playful, adaptable, and alert breed. While it resembles the bulldog, the main difference is that French bulldogs have large, erect ears that are their trademark.

3. The German Shepherd

As the name suggests, this breed originated in Germany by crossing various herding breeds in the 1800s. Among their many traits, German shepherds are loyal, courageous, learn commands for multiple tasks, and have excellent guarding instincts. In addition, they are large, muscular, agile, and can stand as high as 26 inches at the shoulder.

Understanding the Different Types of Music Therapy Techniques

Apple EarPods on yellow surface

During World War I and II, doctors used music therapy to help treat veterans and the injured. They reported an improvement in their outlook and experienced less pain. Even the staff had a positive change in their mood in response to the music.

Currently, music therapy is used to help children, adolescents, and adults go through complex medical procedures. One feature of musical therapy is the ability to personalize for each patient. For example, while one child may excel at learning a new instrument, another may prefer to write songs, sing, or listen to music. Children, in particular, are enthusiastic about music therapy since it is both enjoyable and provides mental and bodily relaxation.

Music’s effect on the brain is quite complex because of different parts that process various components of music, including pitch, speed, and melody. The cerebellum, for example, analyzes rhythm; the frontal lobes decipher the emotional impulses generated by music; and a small fraction of the right temporal lobe aids in pitch comprehension.

When exposed to loud music, the brain’s reward region, called the nucleus accumbens, can produce strong physical indicators of pleasure, such as goosebumps. Music therapy can benefit patients with mental health disorders by utilizing these deep physical reactions to music. It also has a strong psychological effect. Different types of music can have an immediate and significant impact on a person’s mood. They can assist them in experiencing and processing a wide range of emotions, from happiness to enthusiasm, as well as melancholy, tranquillity, and thinking.

Music therapy can be an active or passive procedure in which patients make music or merely listen to or respond to music. Some doctors may combine active and passive encounters with music. There are various techniques to improve a patient’s mood and overall well-being by utilizing their responses and connections to music. It can involve creating music using a variety of instruments, singing, dancing, or simply listening to music.

Analytical music therapy enables patients to communicate their unconscious thoughts through an improvised musical “conversation” expressed through singing or playing an instrument. They then reflect on and discuss this with their therapist.

The Benenzon Model of music therapy integrates psychoanalytic notions with the creative process of music composition. The quest for the patient’s “musical sound identity” entails identifying the external sounds that closely fit their internal psychological state.

Cognitive-behavioral music therapy (CBMT) incorporates elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and music. Music is utilized in CBMT to reinforce certain behaviors and change others. This is an organized method, rather than an improvised one, and may include listening to music, dancing, singing, or playing an instrument.

Community music therapy is centered on the use of music to effect change on a community level. It is carried out in a group context and involves a high level of engagement on the part of each participant.

Also known as creative music therapy, the Nordoff-Robbins music therapy technique requires the patient to play an instrument (typically a cymbal or drum) while the therapist plays another instrument. The improvisatory process makes use of music to facilitate self-expression.

In vocal psychotherapy, the patient connects with their emotions and impulses using a variety of vocal exercises, natural sounds, and breathing techniques. This technique is intended to foster a stronger feeling of self-awareness.

The Bonny method of guided imagery and music stimulates the imagination through the use of classical music. This method enables the patient to articulate the emotions, sensations, memories, and visuals while listening to music.

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