Helpful Tips to Formulate Consistent Workout Routines and Efforts

A recipient of an MA in computer science from George Washington University, Brian Kezer is a Maryland resident who has held various professional positions. Brian Kezer enjoys multiple activities during his free time, including playing video games, cooking, and working out.

People fail to stick to their workout routine for various reasons, including lack of time, slow results, and exhaustion. An article on provides tips to help individuals formulate realistic workout plans and stick to them.

According to the website, schedule exercise during a convenient time of the day that is primarily free. For some adults, early morning before they set out to work is best. For others, the evening when they return from work is better. Nonetheless, pick a consistent time. Next, develop an easy-to-follow workout plan.

Monotonous workout routines can become boring. Shuffle exercises weekly rather than repeating the same sequence or switch exercise equipment to make workouts more fun.

Next, establish realistic motivation. Goals provide incentives and help individuals continue exercising. Start with small and achievable goals; far-fetched expectations can trigger disappointment and a lack of zest when efforts don’t yield the desired results. A realistic goal may be as simple as stating the target number of weekly workout hours.

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